Speo - The Awkward Chasm

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions come up a lot among new players. Most of them are answered easily enough through experimentation or reading the manual, but maybe you're wondering...

Is there an OS X or Linux version?

No, and I really wish there were. Speo is Windows-only for now. You might consider running the game in a Windows VM or wine until 2.x is released. I've been told it works very well in both.

Does Speo have gamepad support?

Yes. Read the manual for details.

Can I rebind the controls?

Not in 1.x. Engine limitation.


You probably pressed F12. I'm really sorry about that. I can't disable that hotkey in 1.x, since the base engine overrules me there.

How do I change the video options?

Press F4 to switch between windowed and fullscreen. Press F5 to open the video configuration window.

Can I turn the music off?

Yes. Visit the second stool in the lobby and check the second page of options. You can't make the music quieter/louder or turn sound effects off in 1.x, though. RPG Maker 2003 is just a bit too dated to trivially allow for that.

What's the deal with race mode?

It's mostly for speedrunners and people who have competitive friends. It's designed to level the playing field so a race (or score contest) between two people is more fair. You can also use it to preview the characters you'll be unlocking, since activating it lets you add anyone to your party. Just remember to turn it off when you're done, because scores aren't saved in race mode.

Why can't I set a fixed seed in race mode?

Engine limitation, sorry. That'll be a thing in 2.x, though.

How do I enter playtest/debug mode?

Launch the game from the command line with the "TestPlay" argument, no hypens or slashes or anything. If you're not sure how to do that, there's probably nothing interesting in this mode for you anyway.

Be aware that launching the game in this mode will flag your savefile as having cheats enabled, since... well. Yeah.

Blue chests are really rare. Are there other ways to get Crypt Coins?

Be a completionist for a while. If you defeat every monster and collect every chest in a block, including the boss and its loot, you'll get a guaranteed Coin.

What's with all the goat stuff? Why are tonsil stones currency?

The developer has a strange sense of humor.